At low health, it is a smart strategy to try to get Epidemic on one enemy and flee.The Unstable Watch is very good for doing large amounts of damage to bosses.Meat Nugget, Filial Imprinting, and Interstellar Desk Plant can be helpful as they drop buffs or heals in the sludge while the player is fighting large groups, allowing them to stay in their sludged area longer.
#Risk of rain 2 acrid generator#
#Risk of rain 2 acrid cracker#
To synergize with this, melee users like Acrid may find the Hyper-Threader, Leeching Seed, Laser Turbine and Heaven Cracker to all be of use with his high attack speed, and any on-hit effects for that matter can only help. Due to the stacking nature of Festering Wounds, it's a good idea to get Soldier's Syringes and Energy Cells whenever possible.Items that add status effects or damage over time stack well with Acrid's inherent abilities in this regard, such as Thallium, Rusty Knife, Toxic Worm, and Shattering Justice.With all of these together, the bulk of his damage will come simply from proximity. Thus, He benefits from passive damage items like Frost Relic, Barbed Wire, Tesla Coil, Burning Witness, Fireman's Boots, Plasma Chain and Chargefield Generator. Also, as with any melee user, Acrid is always in the thick of the fight whenever he wishes to do damage.As with any melee user, Acrid is a little flimsy and should make use of items such as the Hermit's Scarf, Tough Times, Colossal Knurl, Mysterious Vial, Bitter Root, Infusion, and Guardian's Heart for the sake of survivability.

Note that it won't return to a previously infected enemy. It can multiply itself and do devastating damage to groups and can go through walls. Epidemic will spread on contact with other mobs, as well as attempt to jump to others close enough on the screen.The Caustic Sludge can easily take out a group of imps holding a reward, as Acrid can spray the ground directly next to the statue, summon them, and they'll die easily and quickly, granting an easy and painless reward.Hanging on a rope after spreading Caustic Sludge is a safe way to kill a big group of enemies, as this will keep them grouped and most of them can not reach the character.Try to spread Caustic Sludge in as wide an area as possible, avoiding bumpy, uneven terrain as much as possible.Spam it as often as possible, as it slows enemies down and speeds allies up, making it great not only for combat but for escaping as well. Caustic Sludge has a 17 second Cooldown, but the trail itself will last for nearly 15 seconds, meaning that by the time it dissipates, Acrid will be ready to spread another trail shortly.The poison applied in Festering Wounds is stackable.If an enemy is killed by Pandemic, you are healed. The contagion spreads to two targets after 1 second. Release a deadly disease, poisoning enemies for 100% damage per second.